Report a Student of Concern      File a Report

For Students



What, When, Why, Where & How to

Refer a SRJC Student of Concern 




SRJC students care about one another. This page provides information on helping fellow students.


Referring a fellow student to us gives you a way to assist another student you know who may be struggling or acting in a way that is concerning. 

Examples at SRJC include:

* Uncontrollable crying

* Observing marks that look like someone has purposely cut themselves

* Unstable behavior

* Another student telling you they are struggling with mental health issues but for some reason do not want to go the health center

* Seeing a student who repeatedly appears to be over-using drugs or alcohol.

The referrals go to the BCARE Team, a diverse group of college staff. And, these referrals can be anonymous if you wish.


For times when another student seems to be having some kind of problem where college personnel can assist, this is the place to inform us, even if you have limited information about the student. Referrals are reviewed during business hours. Anytime you see a situation that appears to be dangerous, immediately call SRJC District Police at 707 527-1000.


Providing information about another student gives college personnel the opportunity to find resources and help that student. In addition, students who are struggling at times will cause disruption for others, and so a report can be helpful to all. 


You can use this referral for activity seen about an SRJC student taking place in any location, even off campus.


Simply click the “Online Referral Form” link to submit your caring referral. If you include your name, we will get back to you as possible.