Concerned about what you have witnessed in a student's behavior or class work?
B:CARE is available for assistance or a consultation.
The Behavioral Consultation, Assessment, Response & Education (B:CARE) Team has the primary mission to avoid crises before they occur. We accomplish this through prevention, early intervention, and response to concerning or inappropriate student behavior, in order to mitigate risk to the campus community and allow all students to safely pursue their academic goals. To that end, we offer Behavioral Consultation, Assessment, Response and Education.
B E H A V I O R A L 
Consultation | offering personal or group consultation to address difficult student behavior
Assessment | analysis and evaluation of reported behavioral concerns and threats
Response | coordinating a professionally diverse group of SRJC staff to respond and provide appropriate intervention and referral
Education | providing website resources, workshops, and trainings on handling distressed, disruptive, and dangerous campus situations